As experts in our field, we are constantly researching the newest discoveries and most effective training & nutrition methods. As a team of passionate trainers & coaches, we think it is important for our clients to have access to information and knowledge that will help them become successful. Please continue to check back for article updates and new features.
"OLLI: DAILY" covers a new topic each week by providing easy to digest explanations, easy to implement changes, and a no bullish*!t approach to the "why" behind it all.
If you have questions or there is a topic you'd like to see covered, email us.
If you have questions or there is a topic you'd like to see covered, email us.
OLLI DAILY: SERIES ONE FASCIA What covers your body from head to toe, is stronger than muscle fiber, could be the cause of your pain and injuries, but often goes undetected? That’s right folks, it’s called fascia.
OLLI DAILY: SERIES TWO RESET & RESTART Life happens. So how do we stay on track amidst the craziness? This series gives reasons, answers, and way to conquer problems a lot of us face in our journeys to create & maintain healthy lifestyles.
Biomechanics Basics: Safe, Effective, Efficient Workouts
Personal Trainers help to provide clients with safe, effective & efficient exercises to support optimal movement and total body functionality. Learn the basics here to improve your own workouts.
Credit: IDEA Health & Fitness
A Lesson in Self-Diagnosing
Sometimes, a client might be doing everything right with exercise & nutrition, but still seems to have a bizarre hiccup in their health status. Use this case-study as an example of the proper steps to take and how to avoid potentially harmul self-diagnosing/treatment.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
All About COFFEE!
Learn how to sort through the the many myths, claims, and facts about consuming coffee. Read on to learn the risks, benefits, and details about this often addictive, yet enjoyed beverage.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
No More Excuses--101 tips to get in gear!
For every reason you can think of to not get out there and challenge yourself, this article gives you a reason to do just the opposite! Fun read of quick, easy, motivating tips to get going and get fit!
Credit: Runner's World
All About Spinal Health
Back pain? Muscle imbalances? Poor form in your exercises? Learn why and how to correct it.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
Overcoming 5 Common Fitness Obstacles
Sometimes the world, our life, our to-do lists, and a million other things feel like they need to be put ahead of our health. Read on to learn how stay motivated and moving!
Credit: ACE Fitness
All About the Squat
Awesome article that will teach you several approaches to correcting & perfecting your squat. Making sure you have solid form with you squat will provide a full body exercise emphasizing performance, mobility, and total body functionality.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
Personal Trainers help to provide clients with safe, effective & efficient exercises to support optimal movement and total body functionality. Learn the basics here to improve your own workouts.
Credit: IDEA Health & Fitness
A Lesson in Self-Diagnosing
Sometimes, a client might be doing everything right with exercise & nutrition, but still seems to have a bizarre hiccup in their health status. Use this case-study as an example of the proper steps to take and how to avoid potentially harmul self-diagnosing/treatment.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
All About COFFEE!
Learn how to sort through the the many myths, claims, and facts about consuming coffee. Read on to learn the risks, benefits, and details about this often addictive, yet enjoyed beverage.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
No More Excuses--101 tips to get in gear!
For every reason you can think of to not get out there and challenge yourself, this article gives you a reason to do just the opposite! Fun read of quick, easy, motivating tips to get going and get fit!
Credit: Runner's World
All About Spinal Health
Back pain? Muscle imbalances? Poor form in your exercises? Learn why and how to correct it.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
Overcoming 5 Common Fitness Obstacles
Sometimes the world, our life, our to-do lists, and a million other things feel like they need to be put ahead of our health. Read on to learn how stay motivated and moving!
Credit: ACE Fitness
All About the Squat
Awesome article that will teach you several approaches to correcting & perfecting your squat. Making sure you have solid form with you squat will provide a full body exercise emphasizing performance, mobility, and total body functionality.
Credit: Precision Nutrition
Iron & PerformanceIron is crucial for many basic processes within the human body and can greatly affect how you feel each day and how your performance is in every workout. Know how it works and learn the signs of when you might be running low on this valuable mineral.
**Especially recommended for any clients with vegetarian/vegan preferences
Eating at NightLearn the real reasons behind the campaign against late-night eating, and when it is actually okay.