Video Library
Check out some helpful videos below and be on the lookout for OLLI tips, messages, and live exercises!
Glute Activation for injury prevention, movement correction, & performance enhancement
Try Hip Lift's in your warm-ups prior to every workout for glute activation. You will quickly advance through the progressions if you do this regularly. Over time you will see a noticeable difference in posterior chain stability and strength! This is especially recommended for anyone with postural deviations, tight hip flexors, or overactive quadriceps. Squat to Stand warm-up to transform your hip mobility & total body movement efficiency
Perfect your squat by training your muscles to work efficiently with your body-weight before loading up on resistance. This simple exercise will improve your range of motion at your hips and encourage proper alignment throughout your exercises. Give it a shot! |
Tight muscles? Knee problems? IT Band pain?
Using a foam roller for myofascial release will aid in recovery, improve circulation, and help you move more efficiently! Check out the Thera-roll, a product that provides additional benefits to basic foam rolling through its unique design, which offers enhanced compression--release patterns. Prevent neck, shoulder, & back tension--take a stretching break at your desk!
Here's a great stretch for the many of us who may spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or in front of a computer. It helps promote mid-spine mobility and, over time, will improve your posture. You will quickly notice a decrease in stiffness if this is practiced on a regular basis. |