I'm going to make a crazy suggestion here: Don't take the easy way.
Know your ultimate vision, but focus less on the end destination. Instead, challenge yourself to keep your focus in the present. Do things that align with your values and goals every day. As a coach of mine calls them, "Daily Action Steps."
Commit to the little things. Wake up tomorrow and dedicate yourself to doing at least one thing that moves you in the direction you'd like to go. If you make the effort to complete your daily action steps, the compounded effect will soon align you with the long term goals you'd like to achieve.
It's really that simple. Endurance & discipline are difficult practices to master, though they are the two "frenemies" which will determine if you reach that ultimate destination, or if it begins to float further away.
Get started on your Daily Action Steps by taking a few minutes this week--whether on your lunch break, your commute, during a workout or over your morning coffee--to really think what that ultimate destination looks like and why it's important to you.
Then, get moving. Choose one Action Step that you WILL commit to. Go to sleep with the intention to complete the action step the following day; wake up by telling yourself you WILL fulfill your daily dues. Then do it.
Take note of how this simple, daily commitment to a single task begins to shape the direction of your lifestyle.
Oh, and be kind to yourself! Everything is a process. Commit to this practice, but know the outside world is going to do everything it can to derail your commitment. Stay disciplined and forgive yourself if you have the occasional detour---but never let these detours become a pattern.
So what do you commit to this evening that you will carry out as a Daily Action Step tomorrow?
-Will you wake up a half hour earlier for a quick yoga flow before work?
-Will you commit to squeezing that lunchtime run in?
-Will you take the extra few minutes to cook yourself dinner instead of defaulting to your usual take-out?
-Will you pick up that book you've been meaning to read and knock out a few chapters?
-Will you connect with an old friend to catch up?
You have a choice and you are in control of the outcomes. Know your vision & stick to your Daily Action Steps.
I promise you'll find yourself moving in the right direction.
-Cassie Taylor