Creating the life you want seems to be a simple process:
Step 1: Discover yourself
Step 2: Discover your passion
Step 3: Hustle your face off to make it all happen
Easy enough, right? The journey of fulfilling these steps and upholding the principles, however, is a constant daily battle between doing what is right and doing what is easy.
The easy way out will always be there….tempting your determination…challenging your will-power…begging for you to take a detour from your hard-fought path towards success.
So the question lies not in what to do to embark on your journey, but rather how to stay on your journey with the same tenacity and clear vision you set out with.
You will face many challenges and temptations along the way.
You will fall into a slump and feel defeated.
You will feel frustration, confusion, and impatience.
The key to fighting your way through the obstacles is accepting these things as temporary circumstances and refusing to let them become permanent realities.
The difference between status quo and success is the ability to face adversity, and fight all the way through it. Your success rests in the amount of resilience, tenacity and passion you have to overcome the obstacles you run into.
Regardless of your goals in life, this is true…
Whether you are studying to complete your degree, with the ultimate goal of landing your dream career…or training to complete your first marathon…or starting your own business. Those who make it, those who land on success have made it there by waking up each and every day, ready to fight their way through anything that dares to stand between them and their vision.
So, when you find yourself in a negative mind-set or you’re feeling exhausted, in need of motivation, you absolutely have to recognize and own the state you’re in. Then, you need to get out of it and get back on track with consistently engaging in activities that will move you forward, rather than hold you back.
One of the most important ways to minimize how often you fall into these frustrating situations, and decrease the depth of your fall, is to create an electrically positive environment to exist in. This infiltrates multiple areas of your life and must be implemented in a holistic way. You cannot create positive, forward-moving progress by only looking at one segment of you (as a person) or your world.
Here is a list of some of the major areas to start really looking at:
1. Own who you are, where you’ve been and what you’ve experienced. You need to brave the pain of facing yourself, facing your past, and getting comfortable with every element of what makes you, you.
2. Own your space. Whether it’s your apartment, your office, your car, your dorm-room…create an environment that fuels your positive energy. Take pride in your space and invest what you need for it to support your efforts. Minimize your obstacles, do this today.
3. Own your relationships. In a digital age, this can be more difficult. We have surface level connections with people from our past that aren’t doing much to move us in a positive direction and we are faced with negative energy from mass media, newsfeeds, and every other possible channel it can find its way through. Do your part and take control of who and what you interact with. This may mean you need to distance yourself from certain people-—if they are a negative influence, they will become toxic. The power of negativity is its contagion—don’t let a single piece of it in your world.
4. Increase the input. No one says you have to fight this fight alone. Bring as much positivity into your realm as possible. Find people who are equally as motivated & passionate—make time for them as often as possible. Find groups to be an active member in. Listen to daily audios or watch videos. Read as often as you can to better yourself and become an expert in your field.
5. Don’t forget about the basics. You’ll never advance forward if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Setting aside time to exercise, prepare your meals, meditate, do yoga, be social, get outside, or whatever else is important to you, will ultimately enhance your productivity in a more sustainable way.
Once you’ve discovered yourself, discovered your passion and are hustling to make things happen….never lose sight of the power of a positive environment.
Be a little delusional…be a lot tenacious…and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.
-Cassie Taylor
Founder, Director
OLLI Fitness
“One Life, Live Infinitely”