As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny."
--Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV 4.5
I've read this excerpt thousands of times in the past couple of days. It is in the first pages of Deepak Chopra's "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success." The indisputable truth of the powerful 4 lines above prompted me to clarify, sharpen, and progress with my ultimate vision; the vision behind OLLI Fitness.
To start, I'll answer the first question everyone always has, "OLLI? What's that?"
OLLI is a mantra, a motivation, a philosophy, a lifestyle, a community and a journey--guided by it's basic contents: One Life, Live Infinitely.
The ultimate goal is to provide people with the custom tools they need to take charge of their lives, reach their highest aspirations, and become the best possible versions of themselves. This is a movement to empower personal reflection, stronger relationships, optimism, health, happiness, and overall well-being.
How? By taking a holistic approach to creating the lifestyle we each desire---at the deepest possible source of that desire. OLLI is here to use the channels of wellness, fitness, & coaching to define your ultimate desires, turn them into something you can truly envision...motivate you to work towards your aims...give you the tools to take action...and ultimately, create your own destiny.
This might sound like something you don't think you can relate to, but hear this...OLLI Fitness exists to fuel you with positive chatter, constant support, an atmosphere that propels you forward, and the knowledge & expertise to coach you towards your health, fitness, and overall ambitions.
If that's not something you're interested in getting on board with, I encourage you to take a minute...step back...pause...and truly reflect on what you do each day, how you do it, and where it's getting you. Are you 100% satisfied with the content & intention of you daily activities? Does everything you do move you toward your ultimate goal and the life you envision yourself having?
Practice this exercise daily. Surround yourself will optimistic, motivated people. Let's take on the challenge to live full, balanced healthy lives. After all, we only have one chance to fulfill our deepest desires---One Life, Live Infinitely.
-Cassie Taylor
OLLI Fitness, LLC