If we are not actively working to be in touch with this defining force, we are very actively doing the opposite: becoming out of touch with all that defines us and creates our world.
Recently, I’ve had a number of interactions with people who are very evidently taking a passive approach to defining their vibe. They are so consumed by the overwhelming, rapidly transpiring, continuously fleeting, incidences of their every day lives that they are really just along for the ride. They are on a hyper-speed train being controlled by outside forces. Being on this train draws people so deeply into their micro-universe that they become engrossed in whatever is the easiest pattern to follow.
Most often, the pattern looks something like this:
- We become easily influenced by the things and people around us. Whatever the given of the situation is, we take it on as an attribute and let it control how we operate. Negativity & doubt are especially contagious.
- We misinterpret the magnitude of our “problems.”
- We fly in auto-pilot mode, simply trying to get through the day and go through the motions of our lives.
- We exude the stress, the negativity, and the elements of disconnect that result from tumble-weeding through each day without a connection to ourselves.
Being disconnected from our energy signatures, and falling into the above-described pattern sets us into a perpetual cycle. Not taking the time to understand and own our vibe, leads to losing sight of what’s important to us, what’s important in the grand scheme of things, and it encourages lack of forward, positive movement in our lives. Something abrupt has to happen to halt the cycle and give us a wake up call.
Unfortunately, many of us stay within the cycle until a major life event forces us to stop and take a step back. Disastrous situations do not allow us to avoid re-evaluating our perspective, our issues, or ourselves. Paths of self-discovery are triggered when our rapidly moving, every day lives are disrupted by something earth-shattering.
Learning to own and define our vibe without the need of the token catastrophic wake-up call will help to exude & attract positive energy. There is an easier way to get in tune with our energy signature and become adept in using it to create the life, the relationships, and the environment we exist in.
The first step (and the most painful) is getting out of our micro-universe. We can’t rely on something epic to just present its self and shift our lives in a different direction. We need to become capable of creating that force on our own, in a positive way. It’s important for us to separate ourselves from the hyper-speed train, refrain from becoming absorbed in fleeting everyday incidents, and start connecting with the universe at large.
If we can control the energy signature we are putting in to the world, it will directly translate to what we do, how we do it, who we spend our time with, how we engage with others, and what we are capable of achieving.
To embark on this journey of self-discovery, keep this list in mind every single day:
1. Slow down; the world is already moving fast enough around us
2. Be mindful; get in tune and totally lost in the present
3. Understand and recognize what real problems are; check yourself if you’re sweating the small stuff
4. Get outside of your own world; connect with people, explore new places
5. Recognize the vibe you’re carrying and how it influences those around you
6. Create your positive environment; people, places, atmospheres, and attitude
7. Make a positive impact everyday; even the smallest deeds help define us
8. Remember that what we create, we also attract
9. Live beyond the edge of your comfort zone
10. Create a vision for yourself; clarify & define it frequently
As always, take care of yourself by establishing healthy lifestyle habits, positive self-talk and embracing the “OLLI” Philosophy. Once we understand our powerful defining force, we are limitless in what we can achieve. One Life, Live Infinitely.
-Cassie Taylor
Founder, OLLI Fitness